Keyword Research & Search Analysis

Let us build you a Hit List filled with SEO optimized keywords ready so you can start creating amazing content.


Our team of expert keyword analysts will create a Hit List so you don’t have to think about what to write next.


  • Hit List will contain titles with a 50/50 split intended for articles to be written in the Medium and Large article size (1000+ words & 2000+ words)
  • Use 7 different sources to find hidden keywords.
  • Analyze the competition and search volume for optimal keywords.
  • Craft eye-catching and engaging titles to attract readers.
“By April of 2020 the site had nearly 30,000 pageviews with just 39 total articles”
April Lee

Owner, Bloggers on the Rise

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How Does it Work?

Keyword research order flow for textgoods

What are SEO Briefs?

SEO Briefs are custom roadmaps to help website owners create the best piece of content possible.

We perform competition analysis to review what your competitiors are doing to make sure you can out perform them.

Professional keyword research is done so we can help make sure you cover the exact topics that your readers are looking for.

We use SEO Briefs for our own content and websites. The results are in, and they clearly make the difference when ranking higher against our competitiors!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? See if we’ve answered it here.

How long will it take?

30 Titles will take 10 days to complete. 60 Will take 15 days and 100 will take 25 days!

How do you find the keywords?

We use a variety of tools and websites including Google, to find hidden keywords that most people wouldn’t normally find. We also find tools that scrape keywords and then we push it into a funnel of further analysis until we find the perfect keywords to tackle.