Part of having a successful blog is web hosting. Every website you visit takes up space. Every inch of the internet takes up a little space in a room filled with servers somewhere. Web hosting companies own and maintain these servers. Bloggers must rent space for these servers.

You can build a website without web hosting, but you likely would not want to. Setting up your computer to work as a hosting server can be complicated. If you are a beginner, you most likely do not know to set up web hosting. There are affordable ways you can accomplish this.

Web hosting plans can be as low as $5 a month for a basic shared web hosting plan, which is ideal for most beginner bloggers. Once your blog becomes popular, you will likely need to upgrade to either a cloud hosting plan or a VPS hosting solution. A cloud hosting plan may cost somewhere between $5 to $50. VPS costs somewhere between $20 to $100 per month.

Why is Web Hosting Important for Blog?

When you start a blog or website, the digital information is stored by a hosting web service. It keeps your data safe and secure while our blog is up and running.

Web hosting makes the internet possible. When you have a blog, you want to start posting as soon as possible. You want to control your site and ensure it is highly functioning and helpful to users.

Digital information will be stored in a data center server, protecting it from hackers. It is the only way to be sure that your blog will be safe on the internet. When a web host supervises your blog’s information, information is encrypted and closely monitored.

When you have your web host, you do not need to be worried about your information getting into the wrong hands. It is safe, and you can concentrate on your blog.

Webhosting also makes it much easier for users to find your site, giving you credibility.

Benefits of Web Hosting for a Blog

There are a plethora of benefits to web hosting a blog. Web hosting helps you have control over your brand and your identity.

You will also prove to be an authority to your users, as they will see your website is effectively up and running. These are issues to take into account when you are starting a blog.

The following include the best advantages of web hosting that you will encounter:

Website Speed is Faster

Website speed is an integral part of the user experience. People are impatient, and many users will not hang around if your blog takes more than a few seconds to load.

One of the most noteworthy contributors to internet site speed is website hosting. Having adequate website speed means having the right company and the right plan. Some of the reasons website speed matters:

  • It improves user experience
  • Most people expect the web speed to be fast
  • Slow websites kill conversions
  • Website speed affects your Google ranking
  • Website speed rate is the first impression you will make
  • Websites will not link back to your content

You need to choose a consistent website that loads within a reasonable amount of time. It should not take too long to load, as users visit other websites to get information.

Continue to test your blog over time so that you know if your website is too slow and whether you need to upgrade your plan.

Website Security is Better

Bloggers who do not utilize web hosting are at risk for attack. Any blogger who sets up their site to accept payments must make security a high priority.

Hackers can do a number on your site, and you must be protected. They can take over your site and use it to promote their scams or blackmail you into paying money.

Hackers can lead your visitors to dangerous websites, impede your website’s traffic, load malware to your website that corrupts the devices of your users, or they could even steal your customer’s financial information. These serious issues can impact your website’s credibility and kill future traffic.

You Truly Own Your Blog

Your blog does not belong to you when you are on a free platform. Google or WordPress may be the holders of the site. If you go to another free site, you risk losing your readers.

All your work to get your site in the search engines is wasted because when you choose to transfer your site to a different web host, you will need to begin all over again.

If you have a site you want to move, you will need to move the whole thing page by page and image by image rather than just having everything there as your own.

When you own your site, you do not need to be concerned about losing your reputable Google rankings or active traffic because you will retain the website and domain name.

You Can Personalize Your Domain Name

It isn’t easy to stand apart from the crowd on a free platform, even if you have a unique name and site. It is because the name of the platform will be included in your domain name. It looks:

  • Amateurish
  • Cheap
  • Impersonal
  • Unprofessional

All of these are negative for your website. You want your domain name to stand apart from the others. In the user’s mind, reputable companies should have their domain name.

You will be mainly promoting the platform, not your individual domain. Also, when you are on someone else’s platform, they can take your site down anytime they see fit.

A domain name gives your blog instant credibility and puts you in the same online marketplace as your competition. It gives you authority, as people will see that you are easily accessible online.

It also increases your user’s awareness of your brand. It clearly communicates your identity, and a good domain name is not easy to forget.  


Web hosting is suitable for your blog as it gives you credibility and visibility. Whichever provider or plan you choose, ensure it is ideal for your blog and will keep you running for many years.