Coming up with a great blog post title can be challenging, but if you include some basic information in the title, it will make your reader want to click and read. You want to ensure that you draw the reader in and grab their attention.

Blog titles should be about sixty characters long, and they should be about 12 to 14 words. You should try a list or response post to grab the reader’s attention. You want to answer the reader’s question and deliver relevant content.

There are many different title styles for blogs. If you want to know more about blog titles, check out this article.

How Long Should a Blog Title Be?

Research has indicated that the ideal blog post title length is sixty characters when crafting the perfect blog post. Blog post titles between eight and twelve words are often shared on Twitter. Blog post titles between twelve and fourteen words are liked most often on Facebook.

Research has also shown that blog post titles that have a further explanation in brackets have a higher ranking than those without it. Since every great blog post title must be catchy and grab the reader’s attention immediately, sixty percent of readers do not read past the blog post title. It is up to you to come up with a title that draws the reader in.

Tips for an Attention-Grabbing Blog Title

If you want readers for your blog, it is imperative that you come up with a great blog title. There are specific rules for creating a blog post title to get readers’ attention. You have a very small window to be able to do this. You want a title that will entice the reader to keep reading.

The following includes some tips on ways to make your blog stand out:

Think About How to Give Your Audience Value

You need to find your target audience and speak directly to them. Find out what your readers need and give it to them. You must have your target audience clearly defined. Once your readers come to you with questions, you must create content to answer these questions. If you remain focused on your audience’s needs, you can create the perfect blog title for this purpose.

Finding your target audience is also essential because it sets you apart from the competition. Many blogs use generic post titles, but if you know whom you want to speak to, you can cater your language to that particular audience. For example, if you have younger readers, you can use everyday slang to generate interest.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is significant in creating the perfect blog post title. You must find out what people are typing into the search bar and use appropriate keywords in your content. With the correct keyword language, you can drive traffic to your website. Even the title needs to be considered when conducting keyword research if you want to gain some traction.

Tell The Reader What They Can Expect

Readers like to know the gist of what the article is about before they click on the title. If you state the post in the title, your content will indicate to the reader what they are getting into.

Give the Reader Useful Information

People have inquiries, and the internet has answers. If your article answers the questions in your reader’s mind, your title should indicate this.

Make Sure that You Are Using the Right Style

Research has demonstrated that successful keywords are also specific and present the title of your topic in various styles. The following include different types of blog titles that will improve your search ranking:

  • How to
  • Increase, Boost, Grow
  • Keyword Triggers
  • Listicles
  • Mistakes, Fixes, Errors
  • Question
  • Ultimate Guide
  • Why, What, Who


Lists typically have numbers in them, which makes them easy to understand. You want to use the list number in front of the blog title. You should also not make the number too high of a number, as it will overwhelm the reader if the list is too long. With lists, the reader knows what they are getting into right away. They know how long the article will be and what they may get from reading it.  

Mistakes, Fixes, Errors

A blog’s mistake, fix, or error title is concerned with helping the reader avoid or fix the problem. You should give an example of the error in the title. Try using the words help, mistakes, or fixes in the title. The title can show the reader why not to do something or tell them to watch out for something, explaining how to avoid mistakes.

Keyword Triggers

Keyword trigger blog posts begin with your primary or secondary keyword for the topic at hand. If you start your article title with a keyword, it can incite search engines to index it for a query. Try to keep the keyword at the front of your title. Keyword trigger titles can be a combination of various styles. It would be like, “Teaching Your Child How to Share: Everything You Need to Know.”    

How To

How do titles teach the reader how to do something? For example, “How to shop for stylish clothes on a budget.” You could also be helping the reader to nurture a skill that is already present and utilize it for something. You can even use numbers. An example is “How to Write Better: 9 Tips for Getting Good.” You need to make sure you define the goal in the title.

Increase, Boost, Grow

There are plenty of industries that can profit from maximizing their growth. An increase, boost, or growth style title will help your readers improve their knowledge. With this style, you will need to place action words at the front of the title. Add a word, like easy, so the reader knows they can do it! Speak directly to the reader to get their attention.


Question-based blog titles intrigue the reader and get them to read the article to find the answer. It is a psychologically based fact that the reader will need to know the response, which is why they are typically called “response posts.” Try not to make your question too long, or your reader may lose interest. Try to make your tone conversational.   

Why, What, Who

These titles answer one of these questions and entice the reader to read on. A why title could be “Why Do Women Wear Jewelry.” The reader will want to find out. However, the exciting thing about these particular articles is that they are not necessarily in a question format. You should ask the question with a specific goal in mind.

Ultimate Guide

These are titles to articles that are educational. It could be technical information or tips about a specific topic. Words like “ultimate” will draw readers in and get them to read the article. The term “guide” will let the reader know they will be given directions. 


When considering a great title for your blog post, you must make sure you hit all the right notes. You want a title that grabs the reader’s attention immediately, and the ideal title should be about sixty characters long.