So you may not be a great writer, but you want to start a blog. There are significant aspects to consider when it comes to creating a blog.

When you start a blog, you want to conduct adequate research and have credible sources. You do not want to bore or alienate your readers by failing to inject personality into your writing. You want to always proofread your work before posting.

Having a lucrative blog takes work, and you want to be willing to work hard. Check out this article if you want to know how to start a successful blog when you can’t write well.

What Can I Do to Write for My Blog?

You may have some idea of what you want to blog about. To start a successful blog, you must know how to do it. However, you are at a disadvantage if you cannot write well.

You need a game plan to become a great blogger. Some of the things you can do to write for your blog when you cannot write well:


Before you type a single word, you should think about what you want to say. If you are stuck, it is time to get a paper and pen, a good, strong cup of coffee, and brainstorm. The following are a few ideas as to how to go about it:

  • List some of the things you are good at
  • List some of the things you like to do in your spare time
  • Write down some of the topics you are knowledgeable about
  • Write down some of the topics you would like to learn more about

The above will give you a general idea of what to write about. Determine what you think would be more interesting to write about and how you would present it to your audience.

You want to create the ideal situation for your blog in which you get high traffic and Google ranking. See if you believe what you write down will cut it.

Make Sure Your Niche is Big Enough

You do not want to write about a narrow topic that will not get enough traffic. You want to offer something different from the competition, but also pick an issue with a lot of information so you have something to discuss.

You do not want to fall short in words or run out of things to say. It is essential to research your niche to find out if it is doable.

Tell a Story

Storytelling is about conveying your thoughts and feelings in a clear, organized way. You do not need to be the author of “The Great Gatsby” to be able to tell a good story.

You need to gather your thoughts and connect with your readers. When you learn how to speak to your readers in a conversational tone and affect them with your words, you are one step closer to being a true blogger.

Read Other Types of Writing

The rule of thumb, if you would like to be a good writer, is to read other writers’ work. You should always try to be reading a book even if it takes a long time.

While blogging and writing a book or a newspaper article are not the same, you can learn to write better by seeing how authors present their stories and try to tell a story when you write. It will make you more creative and a better writer for it.

Conduct Thorough Research

To become a better writer, you must conduct thorough research with every blog post you write. You want to earn a reputation as an authoritative source that people come to on a regular basis.

Go through every source you can that has been proven reputable and correct, and present the facts clearly and interestingly.

Make it information accessible by linking other articles from trustworthy sites and gathering information from suitable sources:

  • Book
  • Magazine
  • Scientific studies
  • Peer Reviewed Journals

Write the article that you would want to read if you were looking for some legitimate research. You may also want to use quotes to emphasize your main points.

You can even touch on your personal experience if it is relevant to your article and the mood strikes.

Use SEO Keywords and Headings

Practice good keyword research, and your blog could get a high ranking from Google. Keyword research is significant when people look in the search engine and see your blog.

Headings are equally important as they illustrate to the reader what they will read next. They also break up the text for the reader, making your blog look neater and well put together.

Do Not Try Too Hard

There is no need to try so hard to make your writing sound good. Maybe a handful of bloggers captivate their audience so much that the readers must read their material.

There are a few essential items to be concerned with when you are writing your blog:

  • Emotional Impact
  • Personality
  • Research
  • Suspense

Try using short sentences and short paragraphs. Do not speak down to your reader or use language so complicated that they do not understand the topic.

However, you also do not want to be so plain in the language that you come off as a robot with no personality.

Promote Your Blog

It is not enough to have top-quality content; you need to promote your blog if you want it to stand out. You should go after guest posts on the top blogs in your realm.

Always be open to feedback and listen to other bloggers regarding the content you post on your site. Try guest posts on top-ranking blogs, as referral traffic is a terrific way to cross-promote.

The exposure can help you with your branding, allowing your readers to come to know your blog.

Building a relationship with other bloggers who can help you is also a terrific idea because you never know if you will be invited to guest host on a blog.

Paid links, as long as they are not followed, and advertisements are a great way to get readers to subscribe to your blog. Promote your blog through these avenues, and you cannot go wrong.   

Figure Out if You Can Monetize Your Blog

There are many ways to make money off your blog. You need to make sure that your niche is lucrative.

Check on Amazon to see if they have niche-related products. See if Google displays ads when you are searching for your niche. When you see ads, you know you have struck gold. You can make money with specific topics:

  • Fashion and beauty
  • Health and Fitness
  • Parenting
  • Pets
  • Recipes and food
  • Sports

There are many unique niches that you can choose from. Some people may also write a blog on multiple topics, so they never run out of things to say and never get bored with one topic. If you write about a topic that is lucrative and that you know, you have the opportunity to make good money.

Try to Record Yourself First

Say you are planning to write a long article, like 2000 words. Try recording yourself first and then get it transcribed. Use an outline and be prepared.

When you speak into the recorder, keep your eyes on the outline. Focus on the words and make sure everything sounds right as you are speaking. This way, when you write your blog, you hear how it sounds before posting it. It could take some time for this method to work.

It may not be flawless, but you will make it work with some editing.

Inject Some Personality into Your Writing    

Giving your readers a taste of your personality in your writing will make them want to read more. They will be captivated by what you have to tell because you are yourself and not trying to create another persona.

People appreciate someone with a relaxed tone that is relatable and genuine. The only point you need to keep in mind is not to allow your ego to take over and get you off-topic.

Do Not Be Afraid to Find Better Words

You know how sometimes you have a common word and want to think of a better way to say it, but you cannot think of anything?

This situation is where your synonyms come into play. Everyone knows you can look them up on Word, or you can utilize the search bar and directly ask for another word for whatever it is you need to say. It is all part of being creative, the ability to search and improvise.

Ask for Help if You Need it

Have someone whose opinion you trust help you proof your blog or help you with your writing. Talk to others who have started blogs and see if they have any good advice.

Read your blog post out loud to someone who will lend you an ear. You may also want to go online and take a course in blog writing. You will get a feel for it and get better at it. Talk to teachers who can guide you in the right direction.

Get to the Point

Do not spend so much time on the details that it takes you a year and a half to make your point.

You want people to find worth in what you are writing, and if you meander when it comes to getting to the meat of your blog post, the reader may go off in another direction and find another article on the same topic instead of sticking with yours.

Do Not Bore Your Readers

If your intent is unclear from the get-go, you will likely bore your reader and drive them away. You want to draw the reader in and make them curious to read the whole article.

If you bore a first-time reader, they will not be reading your blog again. You want to be interesting and appeal to the reader, and a sense of humor certainly would not hurt.

Proofread Your Work

It is prudent to proofread your writing before posting it because you do not want it to be unprofessional.

You want a reputation for excellence, and part of that means thoroughly checking your work. Spelling and grammar mistakes will make you look amateur faster than anything else, which is the kiss of death for any writer. You want to create impeccable and outstanding writing.  

Keep Up the Good Work

If you keep writing, no matter what, you are already ahead of the game. People that do not give up tend to see better results. Be a consistent writer, and you will naturally sharpen your skills.

If you want to write better, you need to write. Writing well takes time, commitment, discipline, and possibly some coaching. Keep writing, and never give up!

What is Best for a Successful Blog?

It can be challenging to discover what is best for your blog, whether it is a self-hosting or free blogging platform. You can go the free blogging route if you want to blog as a hobby.

Sites like WordPress can help you when you are a blogger.

However, if you want to make money with your blog, you may wish to purchase a domain name and be self-hosted.

It is a more lucrative move than just hanging around on a free site hoping someone will take notice. When you are self-hosted, you pay for a company to maintain your blog on the internet and employ WordPress as a writing platform.   

A lot of free sites do not place ads on their platform. Some will perform an upgrade, but it can get costly. Sometimes it can be even more expensive than the self-hosted option.

You can save a lot of time by having a self-hosted blog, as they are far more lucrative and successful than those who blog on free sites.

If you want to have a successful blog, you need to be able to spend time doing a few things:

  • Create and maintain an e-mail list that will help your readership
  • Create and nurture relationships with other writers
  • Market your blog posts and channel through social media
  • Strategize and develop plans to grow your blog with upgrades

Consistency is critical if you want your blog to grow and flourish. All the above are crucial factors in starting a successful blog, even if you cannot write well.


Writing well is difficult, but you do not necessarily need to be an excellent writer to have a blog. Having a blog takes dedication and hard work.

You may also benefit from fellow bloggers’ insight, experience, and wisdom. Keep these ideas in mind when starting a blog, and you will be successful in your endeavor.