How to Convert Visitors to Your Business Blog into Paying Customers

How to Convert Visitors to Your Business Blog into Paying Customers

If you want to have a successful company blog, there are some techniques you should consider implementing to be able to reach customers. You want to ensure that your efforts contribute to your business’s bottom line. 

If you want to gain paying customers, you should use good business strategies. You should use pop-ups, discounts, in-line product links, and keyword research to turn visitors into customers and gain their loyalty. Using these techniques helps to create customer satisfaction. 

You can also get customer feedback to find out what works for your website and is not. If you want to know more about converting visitors to your business blog into paying customers, peruse this article. 

How to Convert Visitors into Paying Customers

If your goal as a professional blogger is to convert website visitors into customers, some factors come into play. You can utilize blog writing services, such as Text Goods, to help you. When it comes to content marketing, you need to have a game plan. The following include some of the best ways to convert blog readers into paying customers:

Use Pop-Ups

Encourage existing customers to stay at your website with some well-placed pop-ups, which can increase user engagement or lead generation. For example, you add some pressure with a time-based offer, which should only be used for first-time visitors. This perfectly placed pop-up is an example of how to turn leads into customers. 

The secret to content marketing is devious: use introductory human psychology to your advantage. When someone sees a time offer, they are inclined to click on it and remain on your website. It is common knowledge that most people cannot resist an offer, especially if they need to make a split-second decision regarding one. People do not want to lose the opportunity to purchase something of value. 

Give People a Free Sample

There is irrefutable proof that people cannot resist the lure of the free sample. Grocery stores and wholesale stores like Costco are known for offering free samples. The popular theory is that they are more likely to purchase something if they get a taste right then and there. 

For example, if you are given a piece of chocolate, the taste would remind you how much you love chocolate, and you will be more likely to make a spur -of the -moment purchase. In marketing, you learn how to turn visitors into customers with this conventional wisdom.  

The reciprocity effect keeps customers coming back for more. Some of the ways you can use reciprocity in marketing:

  • Give something first
  • Offer free trials
  • Make it personal 
  • Offer a parting ‘gift.’

‘Gifts’ include mailing list subscriptions, coupons, or general updates. You should also make the customer feel special to get them to respond favorably. An example of using a free trial to obtain a paying customer is selling software or computer services. These services are not cheap, and an exit pop-up can offer a free trial period. With that, people are more inclined to click on it. 

Create Content That Addresses the Issue

Use your blog to offer solutions to the problems that your customers are experiencing. This way, when the reader encounters the issue, they will naturally think of the solution you presented, which can help build trust. If readers feel that a specific company cares about or understands their needs, they are more likely to become paying customers. 

Eliminate the Guesswork

You should illustrate the actions you want users to take when reading the content on your blog. You need a clear call to action on the sidebar or header that directs traffic to your landing pages. Do not provide the readers with so many options that they become overwhelmed. Create a situation that allows the user to want to become a paying customer and make the decision an easy one.  

Offer a Discount in Exchange for an Email 

Noting beats a discount, and people generally clamor for one. Offering a discount is the most common approach companies employ to entice someone to sign up. The reasons why:

  • It improves the relationship between the customer and the company 
  • It adds to the customer’s happiness and satisfaction 
  • It makes it easier to shop all in one place
  • It adds to the excitement of shopping 

With an email signup, the business is guaranteed to get a lead, and the chances of making an immediate sale are increased. Since the process of earning a customer’s loyalty begins with generating interest, the ideal scenario is to offer them a discount before they become a paying customer. 

Include Testimonials in Your Content 

Testimonials are essential in helping to build trust with readers. They provide an interesting case study that can teach the reader why your website or product is the best. The testimonial strengthens the merchandise without being a direct sales pitch for your customer services. It gives the reader incentive to try the product or service and find out what is so remarkable about it for themselves. 

Include In Line Product Links 

Adding in-line product links to your blog posts is a good way to make a little bit of money. Links that go to relevant products or services are helpful to your readers who are interested in making a purchase, and then you make a commission when the consumer buys through that link. 

You can easily convert blog readers into paying customers by implementing in-line product links. However, make sure you only include relevant links. Do not overdo your links, as it will not feel organic and will likely alienate potential customers. If you want to take the guesswork out of adding these links, some content writing services will do it for you when they write your articles.

Use Target Keywords 

Top- performing keywords help create a successful website. Keywords help the algorithm to understand what your content is about. Search engines help to reveal what the webpage is about. If you do the work, your web page will perform better than your competitors. It is a business strategy that tends to be beneficial for bringing in a broader customer base. 

Keep it Simple

Avoid using complex website design, as it can alienate some users. The more complex the website design, the more difficult it is for users to browse. IT would derail the whole user experience, which would negatively affect conversions. You also want to get customer feedback: 

  • Do you like the website design?
  • Were you able to easily use the website?
  • Was it easy for you to differentiate the links?
  • Did you think the content on the website was valuable?

You can use surveys to ask customers pertinent questions. The information will be employed to address any barriers that are in the way of the user experience. Once you know what customers like or do not like, you can make the necessary adjustments if need be. 


Cross-Selling demonstrates customers-related or complimentary items they might want or need. It simply encourages the purchase of anything in conjunction with the original product. Cross-selling is a way to gain higher profits and inspire customer loyalty. Amazon is known for their amazing ability to cross-sell its products. 


There are many ways you can turn leads into customers. You can utilize crucial techniques like pop-ups and keyword research to entice potential customers and earn their trust. 

How to Write a Buyer’s Guide and Why You Need One

How to Write a Buyer’s Guide and Why You Need One

The buyer’s guide is an excellent tool for your website, as it provides the customer with the necessary information to make a purchase decision. You want to think about hiring a content writing company, like Text Goods, to help you create the best buyer’s guide for your customers. 

To write a buyer’s guide, you need to appeal to your target audience, get inside the mind of the potential customer, keep it simple, and utilize the keywords that will get the searches your website needs to be a success. A buyer’s guide is good customer service. 

The more educated the person is, the more likely they will make an informed purchase. They will not just be browsers but loyal customers. You can easily have a content writer accomplish this. The nature of SEO-based content writing is that it was created to capture the attention of your unique target audience and keep it. The following includes how to write a buyer’s guide:

Know Your Target Audience 

Understanding whom you target is essential to creating a buyer’s guide. If you want to write a buyer’s guide, you must find your ideal audience. You need to ask the right questions:

  • Who is purchasing this product?
  • What do they want?
  • What is the problem they need to solve?
  • What are their interests and hobbies?
  • What does the customer value most?
  • What would make them choose my product over my competitor’s?

You should have the answers ready and then put together your buyer’s guide. You can use social media and surveys as a tool to help you find the right audience for your product. As new trends appear, your audience may change. You must conduct thorough and current research to know your target audience.  

Think Like Your Potential Customers 

To go deep into the potential customer’s mind, you may need to conduct digital analytics to gain more information about their interests. Scan Google analytics to find out the interests of your target audience. You may need to perform deep research to get the information. Think like your potential customer, and make sure you do your homework.  

Make it Easy to Read

Most people who read online are scanners, meaning they look for the gist of the article rather than the article as a whole. You can always utilize affiliate website content writing, which features products within the content that customers can purchase online immediately. Content writing services can help you find the ideal places to put affiliate links, like Amazon. 

There are some ways you can make reading faster and more efficient for customers:

  • Put the most relevant information at the beginning of the article
  • Sentences should be short, between 15 and 20 words maximum
  • Bulleted lists help readers scan through the text quickly
  • Relevant images are interesting and helpful to customers

You can use images and videos to break up the text. Always make reading easy for the customer. If the customer struggles to read the buyer’s guide, they may look for your competitor. 

Choose Format and Layout 

You want the information to flow naturally. The text needs to be relevant to the format and layout of the buyer’s guide. There are different types of buyer’s guides:

  • “How to” puts shopping steps in the natural order
  • “If then” allows the most critical decisions to be made first
  • “Features-based” places key features that provide the most benefit toward the  top
  • “Side by side” least expensive to most expensive from left to right 

The approach depends on the format. For a side-by-side buying guide, create a table to summarize points. You should also have a straightforward title for your buyer’s guide.

Link to Category Pages and Products 

Always link to category pages and products. Create links to products within the sections of your product buying guide. It makes it easier for the customer to purchase. Make the anchor text the category or product name.

Each valuable link you create can help build SEO. To make sure your links and information are as valuable as possible, make sure that your product descriptions are accurate. 

Use Keywords Organically 

People search engines like Google for the run-down on new products. Using a content writing company to help with search engine optimization can drive more traffic to your website. When you write a buyer’s guide, your ultimate goal is to rank well.

If Google or any other search engine thinks you’re keyword stuffing, that could seriously hurt your SEO and, therefore, your chances of ranking. 

Add Call to Action 

The point of the buyer’s guide is to encourage a purchase. When you have strategically placed CTA’s in your buyer’s guide, it can help improve conversion and sales. You can put the CTA at the end of the buyer’s guide. Direct the customer to the right page after reading the buyer’s guide.  

 A well-placed buy now or shop now button is the best example of a call to action. A great call to action effectively guides your customer to the correct page for immediate purchase. CTA may motivate the customer. You should also invite the customer to contact you with questions. 

Be Honest 

Over and above getting a sale, you should always be honest with the customer because it builds trust and inspires loyalty in the customer. Speak to the customer directly. Keep the focus on accurate information, legitimate reviews, and honesty.

Never lie to the customer about a product to get a one-time sale. If you clearly tell the truth, it will make the customer want to do business with you. If you are not honest with the customer, you will likely not gain long-term business. 

Why Do You Need a Buyer’s Guide? 

Buyer’s Guides help you improve customer service, build trust with the customer, and it helps with search engine optimization. Buyer’s guides also strengthen an e-commerce content strategy, which helps to boost sales. Buyer’s guides help demonstrate the specifications for a specific product:

  • Functionality
  • Maintenance
  • Price
  • Size 

A buyer’s guide also describes the different features between models or brands. The primary purpose of the buyer’s guide is to educate the customer about the products. 


No matter what you sell, a buyer’s guide can help you bring more traffic to your website. They also help customers make better decisions, improve conversion rates and boost revenue. It is a win-win for both you and the customer. 

The Advantages of Outsourcing Your Content Writing

The Advantages of Outsourcing Your Content Writing

Writing your own blog takes a lot of time and effort. You may be thinking about outsourcing your content writing as a way to save time and accumulate more readers.

The advantages of outsourcing content are numerous. When you use a content writing agency, you will get writers who understand how to produce content that will increase traffic and create quality copy. You will also have more flexibility and improve your marketing strategy.  

You should seriously consider outsourcing if you have a business or are starting your blog. Check out this article if you want to know more about the advantages of outsourcing your content writing.

What Are the Advantages of Outsourcing?

Outsourcing content writing could be the smartest thing you could do for your blog. Content outsourcing is when you utilize content writing services from a freelancer or company like Text Goods to create original content for your website. TextGoods only uses real human writers with experience, not AI content without experience or emotion.

There are many advantages of outsourcing, starting with more time to concentrate on other aspects of your website. The following include some benefits of outsourcing:

You Will Have More Time

Let’s face it: writing your blog will take up a considerable chunk of your time when you are producing a blog. Creating your own content may appear to save you money, but in the long run, it is far more beneficial to seek the help of a content writing agency. It will save you time with the following:

  • Writing content
  • Researching
  • Publishing

When you outsource blog writing, it increases efficiency, as you can focus more on business strategies and other responsibilities that come with the job.

Leave the writing to the professionals. They have the knowledge and experience to be able to produce content in a timely manner and create top-quality copy for you.

You Will Save Money

In-house writers generally cost a pretty penny. In general, labor accounts for about 70 percent of the business cost. Adding to labor costs can be particularly draining to a business. If you hire a writer who is a member of your staff, you will need to account for the following:

  • Information technology
  • Other equipment costs
  • Training

There is a plethora of outsourced content writing services you can choose from. Remember that you only pay for the content you order when you outsource.

You do not need to be concerned about other potential costs, such as replacing a damaged computer. Recruiting and training an in-house writer team requires time and money that some businesses do not have.

You Will Accomplish More in Less Time 

When you outsource writing services, you will accomplish more in less time. When you hire an in-house team of writers, they do not have a particular goal.

One of the many benefits of outsourcing blogs is that a writing service has freelancers that are used to producing quality content in less time because that is their specialty.

Professional freelancers typically have multiple clients at once, as content outsourcing is a lucrative business for writers who are hungry for the work.

They are trained to handle picky clients and deadlines, so they are more adept at creating quality content, as it is their business to please clients who do not have time and want to outsource blog posts.

Three Letters: SEO 

A good content writing agency will train their writers to perform a little magic trick called search engine optimization. It is a way of blogging that helps boost your website’s search rankings. In other words, it makes you more visible to users through the utilization of the following:

  • Keyword research
  • Image optimization
  • Content writing
  • Link building

Google ranks content, and as any freelance writer knows, it is one of the most important aspects of producing quality copy. Good writers know how to reach a specific target audience with SEO. The goal is to nail user intent, which is something that professional writers tend to do very well.

You Will Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Blog writers know the latest trends in blogging, and they know what will work and what will not. They can help you build a loyal following and influence your brand to succeed. Some good content marketing strategies a freelancer or content writing agency uses:

  • Establishes authority
  • Increases conversions
  • Social media presence
  • Increases web traffic

Freelancers know how to create relevant pieces and boost your online presence. When you outsource blog writing, you have writers who know how to create compelling content that will bring in new customers and improve your relationship with existing ones. Many components come into play.

You Will Have More Consistency

One of the critical aspects of blogging is consistency. It can be a difficult concept for someone who is not skilled or trained in this area.

If you outsource content writing services, you will likely have someone who knows how to write to turn casual readers into loyal readers by maintaining the same level of quality with every piece of writing published and distributed.

You Will Have More Flexibility

If you have an in-house writer, they may not offer you the same flexibility as professional content writing services.

With outsourcing, you can hire more writers to produce content, which means that if you want to find a writer who is good with specific topics or if you wish to try a new writer, you have the freedom to do this.

There may also be times when you want to cut back on orders. Outsourcing affords you that opportunity. If your business grows, you may want more content, and if there is a lull in demand. It all depends on your preference and content needs.

You Will Get Fresh Ideas 

Each writer has different life experiences, and they can enlighten their audience with their unique viewpoint. Each individual will have fresh ideas, and your blog can benefit from different concepts. Every writer has probably worked for other clients and can offer various perspectives.

Keep in mind that when you use content writing services, you have many writers at your disposal, which means you will never lose momentum. You will constantly be hitting the refresh button on content and originality.


The advantages of outsourcing your content writing are numerous. 5You may not have the time or resources to produce your content for your readers constantly. In that case, outsourcing is appropriate. Instead of beating your brains out trying to create copy that generates interest and ranks high in the search engines, leave it to the professionals.

What Kind of Content Attracts Readers?

What Kind of Content Attracts Readers?

When you have a blog, producing quality content that attracts readers takes work. You should research all the different forms of content you can choose from and determine what is best for your target audience.

There is no shortage of content you can choose from to help design your blog. List posts, how-to posts, case studies, and controversial posts are all solid examples. While they are the main types of content, it is up to you to present them in a unique and creative way. 

There are plenty of tips you can learn to help you come up with the right content. If you want to know more about what kind of content attracts readers, peruse this article.

What Kind of Content Attracts Readers?

Creating or promoting great content can sometimes be a challenge, but it comes with the job of content marketing. If you have a website, you should know full well that content is king. Even if you feel like you’ve trapped yourself in a certain niche, there is always room for expansion.

Content engagement is an area in which content writing services like Text Goods may come in handy. Some of the different types of content that attracts readers:

How-to Articles

How-to articles typically consist of great content that attracts readers. They put you in the position to be an expert in an area, and you get to teach the reader how to be successful at something. It can help them to achieve the end goal of whatever the topic happens to be, such as “How to Set up a Successful Blog Step by Step.”

These types of posts are especially rewarding to the reader in that once they are finished reading, they themselves become an expert. Part of what makes for engaging content is when you bring the reader in and they can learn something.

List Posts 

List posts or “listicles” are extremely useful to readers. They are kind of like the “bulleted lists” of blog articles. If you want to know how to attract people to your blog, this would be an example of the way to go. List posts usually consist of a number within the title, and they can be something like:

  • 7 Best Ways to Cook Pasta
  • 9 Greatest Songs of All Time
  • 10 Most Influential People of 2022
  • 5 Types of Yoga to Help You Sleep

It’s a list of the best or the greatest of something. This type of post cuts to the chase of the relevant points on the matter. List posts are also the best way to write a buyer’s guide!


Interviews are interesting for readers. Interviews will provide you with a steady source of helpful information. Inviting people to interview on your blog helps create relationships with you and important people in your field. You can create good backlinks on your website, which increases authority. Part of content marketing is building trust with your readers.

White Papers 

White papers are informational documents that are longer than blogs and include more information. They are often persuasive and read like a report. You can utilize them to prove your brand is an expert on a specific topic. They may consist of:

  • Deep research
  • Detailed data
  • Graphs
  • Charts

White papers are a great way to establish thought leadership. It presents a solution to a problem and is extremely authoritative. It should completely inform the reader about the topic and teach them something.

Case Studies 

Case studies are great because they typically involve some sort of success story or testimonial. They are more individual and personal than how-to posts, even though they may be similar. Case studies are good for exploring a topic in depth. Case studies give weight to information that cannot be learned in any other way. A case study evaluates an issue, such as information about a client and their challenges.

 Controversial Posts 

This type of post involves a theme your audience is interested in and can help you interact with your readers. These posts are the most fun to write, and a content writing agency can be ideal for writing this type of content. If you want to know how to get readers for your blog, try a controversial post that will get the readers talking. Some tips on how to handle a controversial post:

  • The best way to present it is with an editorial piece
  • You can take the unpopular side and show the argument for it
  • Choose topics that have a clear dominating majority
  • Do not engage in any arguments about the topic in question

When you are trying to grab new readers as well as entice your existing ones, you should know that controversy sells. If something is frustrating you or making you angry, you can write about it in a way that will captivate your readers. Some of the best marketing ideas are born from controversy.

Informative Articles 

Informative articles are best written by a content-writing company that knows their stuff. They are paid to do the hard work, including the extensive amount of research needed to fully explore a particular topic. A good informative blog post will have credible sources, as well as backlinks to authoritative websites, and it will be presented in a way that the reader can clearly understand it.

Current News 

This post type is usually shorter than most, as it tends to focus on current news you care more to highlight, as opposed to elaborating fully on. For this type of post, you need to be extremely quick about publishing, which means that you will not have the advantage of planning them ahead of time. This type of content should inform and enlighten the reader.


Good storytelling helps you stand apart from the rest of the blogs. The content should be unique and engaging. Stories go beyond research and facts. They reveal something about you, the blogger, and add a nice personal touch. Some examples of web story styles:

  • Tablet friendly high -adrenaline story
  • Ultra-relatable first-person story
  • Ultra-efficient skip-ahead story
  • Curiosity-inspired story

Stories are particularly useful for lifestyle topics. They are relatable and create quality content engagement through many shares and responses. Web stories are a new form of content available, and it is becoming quite popular.


There are many types of interesting content that can attract readers to your website. You should figure out your target audience and the message you want to convey before you commit to any type of content.

Can A Professional Content Writing Service Help Build Trust With Your Targeted Audience?

Can A Professional Content Writing Service Help Build Trust With Your Targeted Audience?

You have been thinking about hiring a professional content writing service to lighten your workload but are worried that a stranger cannot portray your brand the way you envision. Knowing how the best website content writing services can build trust with your targeted audience allows you to relax and focus on other tasks.

There are many advantages to hiring a professional content writing service such as: 

  • Reduces workload so you can focus more on business
  • Well-written content that portrays the voice of your brand 
  • Keeps you at the top of the search results 
  • Helps you connect with your ideal customer

To learn more about how a professional content writing service can help you build trust with your targeted audience continue reading.

Build Trust With Professional Content Writers

One way to gain the trust of your customers is to build their trust through quality content writing. If a person does not feel comfortable with the tone or persona that business is portraying they will likely look elsewhere for what they need. That is why it is so important to produce good quality content that makes your visitors feel comfortable and like they can trust what you’re saying.

TextGoods only uses real humans who research credible sources to backup their content. We don’t use any AI who can’t bring real life experience to the table.

Connect With Target Audience

Using a professional content writing service, such as Text Goods, can help to organize your content and target the correct audience.

A business content writing service can help you figure out exactly who your target audience is and how to grab and keep their attention.

Oftentimes, those who try to manage their own blogs while also operating a business and hectic personal life have difficulty defining a clear focus.

A professional content writer can help to bring a sense of cohesiveness to your blog or eCommerce site that an unseasoned individual may not have the know-how to accomplish.

Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice

A professional content writing service is great for helping people set the tone for their brand or business. It is important to be consistent with the tone of your content as it defines your brand or business.

The brand voice is essentially the way in which you talk to your readers. For example, if you work in the healthcare industry you would likely want a more serious or professional tone to your writing, whereas if you’re instructing people on how to do certain tasks or jobs around the house, you may want to have a more casual, friendly tone as though you are talking to a friend or neighbor.

Using a professional content writing service can help you set the tone for your content and help it to remain consistent throughout. Having a consistent tone throughout your site helps to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

High-Ranking Search Results Build Trust

Another very important reason a professional content writing service can help build trust with your targeted audience is that they can ensure that your content has the proper SEO optimization and keywords and phrases. Though writers don’t have to be marketing professionals, they’re trained with the basics on SEO and given guidance when needed.

Using the right words or a combination of words will help your content to stay at the top of the search results list.

If your viewers continuously see that your content is always at the top it gives them the feeling that you are knowledgeable and can be trusted which will strengthen your relationship.

Mistake Free Content Increases the Professional Look

Hiring a professional content writing service can help build trust with your targeted audience because they produce high-quality content that is free of grammatical errors and other mistakes.

You can rest assured that a content writing service will not let you post less-than-stellar content. A professional content writing service survives by writing well for other people. If they do not produce high-quality content with no mistakes, they will not do well in the field, so they’re motivated to be better!

A person will not remain on a website for very long if they find that there are obvious spelling and grammatical errors because they will translate that to laziness or unprofessionalism.

Allows More Time To Focus On Business

Many people underestimate the amount of time and thought that goes into writing for and maintaining a blog or eCommerce site.

In fact, that can take up so much time that people tend to get overwhelmed and stretched thin causing them to produce content that is not truly representative of their brand or business.

Hiring a professional content writing service can greatly reduce the time and stress associated with managing the content writing portion of your blog or website.

The less time you have to spend on creating content the more time you have to focus on building your brand or business which will also show through to your customers because they will be receiving better support.

Now You Know It’s Best To Hire A Pro

As you can see from the information above, hiring a professional content writing service to lighten your online workload is a no-brainer. If you are struggling to get your point across and post content that keeps people coming back then you will be thoroughly satisfied when you see your website traffic increase.